Friday, March 5, 2010

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

I believe that educators should be very careful in matching the technology used in instruction with the technology used by the students. Yes, integrating the two is a good idea and could be a successful learning tool. On the other hand, it should not be taking to far. Certain types of technology that students use should not be used carelessly. The following types of technology can overshadow the importance of face-to-face interaction: online discussion boards, chat blogs and instant messaging. All these types of technologies are used by students to communicate in everyday situations but they each should be used sparingly in the classroom. They all have advantages as a classroom tool but when used too much create altering disadvantages.

Online chats and instant messaging are of value in the classroom. They allow opportunity for students and teachers to communicate with other countries and widen knowledge of different types of cultural ideas. Also, they are convenient in allowing communication with people of distance. Furthermore, they allow students to learn now to express their ideas in writing. In addition although they add to student learning, if used carelessly can take away from "real" instruction. I think that online chat and text messaging should both be used coherently as communication tools in the classroom. This would eliminate the possibility of taking away from "real" instruction, which involves the importance of face-to-face communication skills.

There are benefits to asynchronous, text-based communication over synchronous and face-to-face communication. One possible benefit from asynchronous communication is the advantage of having more time to collaborate ones' ideas; this type of communication is not in real time. Students are able to gather their ideas before they make a response. For example, in face-to-face setting, a conversation topic may change several times before one has actual decided on a response to the first topic. Furthermore, one benefit of text-based communication over synchronous is it teaches students how to communicate ideas through writing. This type of communication is more like face-to-face communication because individuals have to communicate back their ideas in a timed fashion. In addition, it has a advantage of communicating ideas instantly across distance between individuals; connecting students' ideas everywhere. Lastly, there are definitely benefits to face-to-face communication. Face-to-face communication teach individuals how to communicate ideas in a fast manner. Also, in person communication is important because individuals must develop these types of communication skills to effectively communicate their ideas and express themselves in real life. Otherwise, one may go throughout society being totally misunderstood.

I believe that pod cast enhances the learning of students because of the preparation involved in creating an actual pod cast. Students develop the following knowledge from creating pod casts: "how to sequence material, finding or creating copyright-free music or the audio to transition between segments, practicing public speaking, and locating additional resources to extend the value of the pod cast" (Meaningful Learning with Technology, p.161).

In my opinion and research shows, video gaming can help develop ones studying. The process involved in creating games allow students to learn how to construct content in the manner that their audience understands the content. This could be an example of peer tutoring. In addition, students become subject matter experts. Students also learn how to integrate content across the curriculum; allowing opportunity to learn knowledge from combinations of different classroom subjects. The following are benefits in gaming: advancements in mathematical skills, improve self esteem/confidence, advancement toward computer science career, etc. I agree with the article in aspects that there are possible benefits from video gaming but I do not think this new idea is the best solution in achieving the desired benefits possible. Although all these benefits may occur from video gaming, I would definitely not allow my child to play video game everyday because this takes away the importance of my child being physically active.