Saturday, January 30, 2010

Inspiration Quick Tour

The Inspiration Quick Tour video was very interesting and educating. I was really impressed with how easy making diagrams, outlines and power point presentations could be with this type of program. This program makes the prewriting process easier and fun. I would use Inspiration in my classroom for prewriting of projects and power point presentations. This would make writing and creating power points more interesting for my students. The thing I like most about Inspiration is how the program can automatically transform ones’ diagram into an outline or power point presentation. I think the inspiration program was a very good creation and this program could be a very helpful tool in writing.

The use of technology in the classroom can come in handy with the prewriting process. The prewriting process includes the creation of outlines, diagrams, maps and etc. Technology can make the following activities easier, faster, and more fun for students: brainstorming ideas, structuring the flow of their writing, generating text to be used in their writing product, editing text, and negotiating meaning of any of these tasks. Considering teaching time is limited in the classroom, students can help by participating in peer reviewing and reciprocal peer assessment. The SWoRD system can also be helpful in this process for student during their peer reviewing. The SWoRD system helps students effectively peer review eliminating potential of student bias and increase validity. Furthermore, this system eliminates the problem of creating multiple documents because it easily creates multiple copies of revision.

I remember last semester presenting a lesson plan to one of my classes. I had to teach the lesson plan just as I would in a regular class setting. After presenting the lesson plan I gained more knowledge of my subject about the six major nutrients. Before I taught the subject I had knowledge of my subject but it wasn’t very elaborate.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Blogs

I personally think that the use of blogs is very important in terms of communication on a wide bases. Also, blogs increase the knowledge of the individuals whom use them. The use of blogs in education is a great source of learning for students. Teachers can use blogging in classrooms to better benefit students whom would like to participate in class discussions but are shy and afraid to do so. Also, blogs can be used in the classroom to elaborate on the subject or lesson for the day. Furthermore, student to student blogging can help students communicate with one another in better understanding the curriculum. The use of blogs in the classroom are not a waste of time, and the above examples of how blogging can be used in education backs up my opinion.


Intro:To Me

My Name is Charlot Harper. I am currently a student at Texas A&M at Commerce and my major is All Level Health. I plan to graduate in May 2011. I would like to be a Physical Education teacher for fourth grade or a health teacher/coach at the high school level. My family consists of several children, I love kids. I currently live with my companion and our 3 year old daughter. My immediate family consists of two older brothers and my father. My mother died when I was very young. I have five biological nieces. But I also claim non-biological nieces and nephews which include five boys and five girls. The kids in my life are most important and they are my meaning of life.